Media Cleaner has an Adobe Premiere™ Export Module to simplify your production process. This module acts as a “pipeline” to transfer movie data between Premiere and Media Cleaner.
The Export Module eliminates the need for Premiere users to save their Premiere output as a separate file prior to optimization and compression within Media Cleaner. The Export Module does this by generating a preview within Premiere and then transferring that data directly into Media Cleaner.
Installing the Export Module
To install the Media Cleaner Export Module, drag it into your Adobe Premiere “Plug-ins” folder. If Premiere is running when you do this, you must quit the application and restart it prior to having access to the Media Cleaner Export Module.
If you do not put this module in the correct “Plug-ins” folder, Premiere will not be able to access it.
To get the highest quality and save time, you must configure your Premiere preview presets correctly. Please see “Chapter 18 - Using Media Cleaner with Other Products” for important details on configuring your presets.